Tuesday, February 4, 2025

"Money Changes Everything" by Cyndi Lauper

1984 / #27

Rate Your Music score: 3.57 out of 5!

"It's all in the past now...Money changes everything..."

One of the most misused statements in the entire English language is, "It's all in the past now."

If you rightly complain about some mistreatment you got only a day ago, someone will inevitably shrug it off, saying, "It's all in the past now." It's this dismissive attitude that ensures a complete lack of accountability for atrocities of all sorts. These days, those who maliciously do wrong not only evade punishment but are actually elevated to even more powerful positions.

Meanwhile, my adversaries went on and on about the same shit for 35 years. Considering their record, I don't think they're done yet. They've just been distracted by new powers they've been given over the past few years. This feud of theirs lasted longer than the Hatfields and McCoys. Get over it! (Relax, we'll get to that one.)

The lost hits profiled on this blog seem to be all in the past now, but most actually do turn up in some venue once in a great while - just not in regular rotation on traditional radio. Yet it's not quite like it was 30 years ago when you couldn't hear lost hits anymore unless by some chance you had the record. I'm pretty sure "Money Changes Everything" turned up on Sirius XM's '80s channel a few years ago, and that I have a video from a road trip in which it happened to be playing in the background in the car. But this record never appears anymore on regular radio that you don't have to pay for. Money changes everything!

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