Saturday, February 8, 2025

"Forever In Blue Jeans" by Neil Diamond

1979 / #20

Rate Your Music score: 2.97 out of 5!

"Money talks...But it don't sing and dance and it don't walk..."

Time to grow those sideburns!

For a song you never hear anymore, this lost hit sure is memorable. The opening lines have been repeated fondly many times over the past 46 years. It's not because of the image these lyrics bring to mind when taken literally, but because these words have a very important meaning.

And what is this song's meaning? I once read an article that said it was about how you don't need fame, money, and glitz to get satisfaction in life. The piece said it was a message against wastefulness, greed, and flaunting wealth. It sounds like a good anthem against capitalist excess. You don't need gold-plated tennis balls or marble toilets. You can be happy just living in harmony with your surroundings.

Sure, our rulers have made it harder to do - even as everyone gets poorer and poorer - but it brings the satisfaction that we have a right to expect from life.

People who have seen Neil Diamond in concert say this song brings the best audience reaction out of all of his many tunes.

Of course, no song has a constitutional right to be free from parody. Apparently, a local radio station made a parody of this record titled "Forever In Beer Cans." I don't remember if it was anything like "Pee-Pee Song." When I was about 8, I compiled a personal ranking of favorite songs I heard on the radio, and one of them was "Pee-Pee Song." I didn't find the list again until years later. I think "Pee-Pee Song" was a parody of "No No Song." If I remember correctly, this parody went, "No no no no, I don't pee-pee no more...I'm tired of it landing on the floor."

We'd do OK forever in beer cans.

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