Saturday, March 1, 2025

"Highwire" by the Rolling Stones

1991 / #57

Rate Your Music score: 3.3 out of 5!

This song sounds like a big hit, and maybe it would have been one if not for the radio industry's political intolerance.

"Highwire" came out around the end of the disastrous 1991 Gulf War. The Stones' Keith Richards said the song was "about how you build up some shaky dictator" just to "slam them down." The song criticized the politics behind the start of the war.

The tune's antiwar stance caused it to be banned by radio stations in Salt Lake City and St. Louis. This was while radio played songs that they linked to favorable views of the war. A station in Albany, New York, even collected congratulatory letters to send to George H.W. Bush for how he carried out the conflict.

I heard the song precisely once on Cincinnati radio - as we were in the car in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant - and it's a miracle our stations played it even that much, considering how stodgy and conservative our top-rated stations already were. You can bet your bottom dollar that after the song aired once on local radio, the suits slapped it down lickety-split. But the record apparently saw more play in smaller cities, so it actually made the Gavin Report's top 40.

The ban of this record was like having the 2020s in the 1990s!

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