Saturday, January 4, 2025

"Into You" by Giant Steps

1989 / #58

Rate Your Music score: 2.92 out of 5!

This is the third and final entry of the Salmonella Three - 3 lost hits that ruled the radio during my bout with salmonella.

I always confused Giant Steps with Times Two, even though Giant Steps' vocals sounded more like Scritti Politti. And, unlike Times Two, Giant Steps appeared on A&M Records. And trust me, anyone who has ever come across their 45's knows this.

A&M did not always use the sturdiest material to press its records. By the late 1980s, its singles were on such cheap styrene that they're practically transparent if examined in a certain light. It's like the clandestine Soviet records that were pressed on x-ray sheets. And they last about as many plays before they start to sound fuzzy.

A&M's Herb Alpert blamed radio stations for wearing out promotional copies of records, yet much of that was because A&M used such flimsy material. But when you're talking about the singles sold in record stores, perhaps more blame rests with companies like Panasonic that sold turntables that had a stylus that seemed specifically designed to wear down styrene 45's. Record collecting websites have tried letting the world know about Panasonic's swindle.

A website comment says styrene records were "'cue-it-once' items" at radio stations. This meant you should only cue it up once before copying it to cartridge. The second try would leave a scratching sound at the beginning of the brand new record.

Years after Giant Steps mania - and before record collecting became gentrified - folks on the public Internet searched in earnest for the duo's old singles. They expressed extreme constipation that every copy they found sounded scratchy.

But even today, old lost hits still sometimes spin away on turntables in home offices far and wide.

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