Tuesday, October 15, 2024

"Stay The Night" by Benjamin Orr

1986 / #24

Rate Your Music score: 3.48 out of 5!

Remember this "dirty" song by the Cars bassist?

Seriously, our local intelligentsia - or rather, stupidsia - thought this song was the filthiest thing ever recorded. You'd think we would have had a lot of laughs at their expense over that, but they had lots of power, and it wasn't so funny.

I had a teacher in 8th grade who actually went on a big crusade against this song. One day, she was haranguing the class about something, when she mentioned that she had heard this record on the radio. She was shocked that any station would broadcast such porn.

This was a school that wouldn't even maintain order in class or in the hallways. I was even hit in the head with a rock someone threw at recess, and I was once hit in the head with a Liquid Paper bottle someone threw in another class. A student also once threatened me with a razor in class. Yet the school thought it could ban a song by the Cars bassist from local airwaves!

Don't laugh. Our major radio and TV stations were so conservative that they would agree to yank a song if pushed hard enough. This is the market where our ABC affiliate refused to air New Year's Rockin' Eve for several years.

Our school also crusaded against a video store that rented out (gasp!) R-rated movies.

All of this is like in the 1990s when some busybodies purchased the rights to some songs they thought were too suggestive - even though they were actually pretty tame - and relicensed them under SESAC so radio stations couldn't play them. Most stations paid only ASCAP and BMI fees, not SESAC. A radio station in Pittsburgh got in trouble for playing some of this music without realizing it was under SESAC.

What my school did was Taliban-level stuff. But now - in the 2020s - censorship like this is essentially the norm.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

"I Did It" by the Dave Matthews Band

2001 / #71

Rate Your Music score: 2.32 out of 5!

As late as 2001, we were still rockin' and rollin' by adding new lost hits!

This is yet another song that sounds like it has something to do with flatulence: "I did it...Guilty as charged."

I can't believe this song doesn't have a better Rate Your Music score. It's not surprising though that it only peaked at #71 on the Hot 100, because the chart's methodology by then was generally unfavorable to acts like the Dave Matthews Band that had a solid reputation. By 2001, the music biz rewarded fleeting trends, not reputations.

Hilariously, when "I Did It" reached its chart peak, the song at #1 was another title that seemed evocative of trouser sneezes: "It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy featuring RikRok. "It Wasn't Me" was actually one of few big hits of the era that has lasted, as people still sing the title when denying something they're accused of.

The Dave Matthews Band did a lot to cement their good reputation. Central to this was drummer Carter Beauford frequently chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles while performing. Someone who went to a Dave Matthews Band concert in Kansas City said Carter blew a huge bubble that burst all over his face during the show.

But the band's reputation took a hit in 2004 when their tour bus was traveling through Chicago and accidentally dumped an estimated 800 pounds of feces and urine onto a sightseeing boat in the Chicago River. This incident drew the attention of even the mayor, and the band had to pay a $200,000 legal settlement. The band also agreed to keep a log of when their buses emptied their septic systems. The driver of the bus pleaded guilty to reckless conduct.

He did it! Guilty as charged!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

"Alive Again" by Chicago

1978 / #14

Rate Your Music score: 3.08 out of 5!

"I am a lima bean..."

Someone suggested that this blog feature Chicago's "25 Or 6 To 4", but I wouldn't quite call that song lost - unless you're talking about the band's 1986 rerecording. In fact, somebody recently pointed out that "25 Or 6 To 4" was the most played song of all of June on Sirius XM's Classic Vinyl channel. Chicago has a big catalog though, and some of it is unintentionally hilarious.

One of the first misheard lyrics I ever remember was when I was 5 years old. Most of my exposure to pop music was from the AM radio in my parents' car. The radio had 5 presets, which were set by pulling the buttons outward. This was also around the time I first saw a music chart. Someone showed me a newspaper that listed the week's top 10 singles and said those were the songs that were big on the radio at the time. After I heard a song on the radio about a lima bean while we were on a family trip to Wapakoneta, I kept saying that I hoped the lima bean song would come on the radio again.

Nobody knew what I was talking about. When the song came on again, I noted the chorus that went, "I am a lima bean."

And the rest as they say is history.

It turns out I actually mentioned this a couple times over the past few years on a website that has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.

I remember a couple other misheard lyrics that I used to hear on the radio back then. One was the Four Seasons singing, "Oh one eye." Another was the Patti Smith Group's "Eight Is Enough belongs to us."

I probably haven't heard "Alive Again" on regular radio more than once in the past 45 years. This might not be the last we hear of Chicago on this blog, since they seem to enjoy having #14 hits that become lost.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

"I Want You" by Shana

1989 / #40

Rate Your Music score: 2.86 out of 5!

This record spent one week in the top 40 - at #40.

That's happened many times. But this time was different.

That's because this song was never heard on American Top 40 in Cincinnati despite reaching the top 40. AT40 was broadcast around the world, but Q-102 was Cincinnati's AT40 affiliate for years. Q-102 skipped over the show for the week ending January 13, 1990, choosing instead to broadcast the prior week's show.

You might think a competitor should have picked up AT40 so the program could be shown more respect, but by 1990, Q-102 didn't have a competitor - at least not in the same format. So the butchering of AT40 that had gone on for years continued. That started in 1987 when Q-102 kept deleting "I Want Your Sex" by George Michael from the show. It continued when the station inexplicably started the show late once and cut out portions of it so it would end on time.

This - shockingly - isn't as bad as what was starting to happen in some other cities. In a few cities, the AT40 affiliate would drop the show without even telling the AT40 people. So AT40 couldn't find another station for their great program.

It was also in 1990 that American Top 40 celebrated its 20th anniversary. There was a display about it at Forest Fair Mall. It wasn't much though. They just put up a few posters listing the top 100 records of each year. It was off in a part of the mall that people didn't use. Wait, that was the whole mall.

We don't stop 'til we reach the top!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

"Chariots Of Fire" by Vangelis

1981 / #1

Rate Your Music score: 3.43 out of 5!

A chart-topping smash might not seem lost. But the instrumental theme to the movie Chariots Of Fire by Greek composer Evangelos Papathanassiou is said to have now vanished from radio - despite the heavy airplay it got during its 1981-82 chart run.

I remember hearing it on a family vacation to Myrtle Beach, as it accompanied a channel on the motel cable TV system that showed all-text computerized ads. I don't know why we sat around and watched an ad channel, but it must have been raining. This is also the record that ended Joan Jett's 7-week reign at #1.

I've never seen the movie though. It won 4 Oscars - counting one for Vangelis's theme music. Everyone says their school took them to see this film, yet the students weren't that interested in it. According to the description, the movie was about an Olympic runner overcoming prejudice. Many of my schoolmates liked to create prejudice instead of fighting against it.

I've heard of lots of feature films that schools had everyone see, yet students weren't interested in. Apparently, there was one that had absolutely no dialogue whatsoever. I vaguely remember seeing something like that. I remember a high school teacher showing us some theatrical release and fast-forwarding through most of it. I think it was something that was only PG-rated, so it's not like there was anything offensive that we needed to skip over. She didn't say anything as she was fast-forwarding.

This also reminds me of the time in 8th grade when our school took us to see a play and someone kept chewing bubble gum and making Darth Vader noises.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

"The Goonies 'R' Good Enough" by Cyndi Lauper

1985 / #10

Rate Your Music score: 3.25 out of 5!

Think hard, and you may remember hearing this song on the radio. If nothing else, you may recall the Cookie Monster-inspired line, "It's good enough for me."

When I say this is lost, I mean it's lost. Some folks say that some of the songs on this blog still appear on regular radio in their town. But this one is gone. I remember hearing it when I was about 12 and I was sitting on the floor in the den making up Monopoly rules that let players burn down each other's hotels. But when this song fell off the chart, that was it.

A couple years later, I was awed by the fact that we never heard this record anymore. But then came a very short chapter in my life that I've mostly forgotten about. For some reason, my mom forced me to take keyboard lessons. I had absolutely zero interest in these lessons. I wanted to be an Atari BASIC programmer, civil engineer, or broadcaster. I didn't want to become a musician too. Plus, school was hard enough without an additional workload. I already had an intense workload from school, and I was expected to excel in every subject.

Guess what song I had to use for keyboard practice?

Other than that, however, "Goonies" was gone. Everyone forgot it existed, and I don't think any radio station ever dug it up. I didn't even take keyboard lessons for very long.

The keyboard lessons were also around the time WCLU went under. If a top 40 station dug up a lost hit, it was usually WCLU. By contrast, the big stations in town had small playlists because they thought everyone had a short attention span. In some cases, maybe they were right. I had to fight with violent idiots at school every day, and I can't imagine them being advanced enough to recall any song after it was finished playing. If they took over American Top 40, they'd probably just play the same song 40 times.

The trend toward small playlists was aggravating, and combining that with the community normalizing the incredibly insane antics at school was a bad combination.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Feelings" by Morris Albert

1975 / #6

Rate Your Music score: 2.5 out of 5!

"Feelings...Nothing more than feelings..."

Some hit records have a long tail before we consider them lost.

I planned to have this blog only go back to the U.S. Bicentennial in 1976, since that's about how far back I might remember when a song was new. I wouldn't have been old enough to care, but I might remember it. But it's been suggested that I include this earlier ballad by Brazilian singer Morris Albert.

You never, ever hear this song anymore. But it took many years for people to stop talking about it.

Many, many years after the song was a hit, I was a high school junior. There was a student in my class who always acted up. He threw puzzle pieces across the room and yelled, "It's raining puzzles!" When the school took us on a walking tour to see holiday decorations in a department store, this student thought a customer was a mannequin, so he slapped him on the back and said, "Hey, look at this dummy!" He once taped his own mouth shut with "Support Our Troops" stickers.

He entertained me.

He acted just as hilarious on the school bus. The bus driver and monitor were two aging women who didn't exactly have enlightened views on matters of public interest. Someone once discarded a torn, shit-stained pair of underpants on the school bus, and the aforementioned student declared, "Inspector 12 is gonna be mad!" He also still had Morris mania 15 years after "Feelings" was on the chart.

We were on the bus one day, when he got a big, silly grin on his face and begin singing "Feelings" with new lyrics. "Poo-poo...Nothing more than poo-poo," he sang. The bus monitor and driver were absolutely furious!

Come to think of it, how can there be anything more than poo-poo? The mere existence of poo-poo should be enough.

But that was it for "Feelings."

Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Too Young To Fall In Love" by Mötley Crüe

1984 / #90

Rate Your Music score: 3.45 out of 5!

Hemorrhoids can be age-related. Although people of all ages have been afflicted, the risk grows as you get older, because the body weakens and you can't exercise as much.

It's maddening.

The burning and itching are a fact of life for many. But some folks are afflicted fairly early in life. This prompted one observer to tell a hemorrhoid sufferer, "You're too young to have hemorrhoids."

This in turn led me to rename a Mötley Crüe song when I was a college DJ.

I started on WRFN during my second semester of college. NKU promised to mail me information about the station right when I enrolled, but never did, so I didn't get to go on the air until my second semester. The station gave me a morning timeslot, and there was a method to the madness. Music selections were categorized so we'd play current songs at certain points during each hour, and oldies from different decades at other points. We also ran ads during these hours, as this was a carrier current station and wasn't licensed as a noncommercial operation.

Eventually, the station moved me to late afternoons, so I could be "unleashed." Late afternoon slots weren't limited by the format clock, and we could play tracks that the station wouldn't otherwise play. This was also decades before NKU started raising a stink about students "clustering", so we were still allowed to have social lives.

I'm sure Mötley Crüe fit WRFN's regular rock format, but I was already in the lost hits biz, and I wanted to play songs you didn't hear much anymore. Thus, "Too Young To Fall In Love."

Or as I called it, "Too Young To Have Hemorrhoids."

I want to dig up some tapes of my old shows. I'm pretty sure I have one where I called the song that.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"Hello Again" by the Cars

1984 / #20

Rate Your Music score: 3.46 out of 5!

I've been trying to figure out what song or act best sums up my perceptions of music in 1984-85. I think the Cars are a leading candidate.

It wasn't because the wave at 1:22 in the video above was inspired by The Electric Company. I can't figure out why so much music of the time elicited the insights that I had. I viewed most music differently a year earlier, a fact that I'd rather not discuss and which made a lot of good music go unappreciated.

When I talk about music that sums up how I saw things in 1984-85, what I mean is that it's a prototype of the picturesque view that I had of music at the time. I can't fully recreate this nostalgic feeling. About 4 years ago, I found a few videos from that era on YouTube. Some long-lost memories were triggered, but I wasn't able to get to the root of why I thought so much of this music was either scenic or funny. It's right on the edge of my mind, but I just can't access it.

You try to relive the joy, and the only thing that comes to mind is just a fleeting jolt or image. It's like there are events that have completely escaped my mind. Other events have faded to the point that I think of them as being viewed on old film or videotape like some 1970s scare film about juvenile delinquents. That could just be because most people I knew were juvenile delinquents.

But if I have to recall anything from that timeframe, it should be the Cars. I have their Heartbeat City LP - from which "Hello Again" comes - and I actually got it when it was a fairly current item. It's still in pristine condition despite heavy play. For the life of me, I don't remember where I got this record, or exactly when. It's as if I just waved my hands and it magically appeared. To quote another hit from that album: "Uh-oh, it's magic."

You might think I'm crazy, but I remember a particularly strange incident surrounding "Hello Again." Casey Kasem once read a "Long Distance Dedication" on American Top 40 from someone talking about the Cars. If I remember correctly, it was for some folks who had taken the letter writer to a Cars concert, but I'm not sure. I know the Cars were a big topic of the letter, and its writer dedicated "Hello Again." But instead of "Hello Again" by the Cars, Casey played "Hello Again" by Neil Diamond.

The Cars are also known as the band whose usual lead singer, the late Ric Ocasek, resembled Leonard Nimoy. There has also been some disagreement about Ric's age. When he died in 2019, his age was reported as 70. Indeed, his voter registration record gave a birthdate of 1949. But he had also claimed he graduated high school in 1963, and a 1950 census record shows a 6-year-old Richard T. Otcasek living in Ric's hometown of Baltimore.

The Cars must have also been endlessly frustrated by the fact that they had 3 hits that peaked at #41 on the Hot 100 - just missing the top 40. I'm not sure if this is a record, but it has to be close. Scandal must have been almost as aggravated, as they had 2 records that peaked at #41. But both Scandal and the Cars reached the top 40 with other efforts. I bet my high school principal has never had a top 40 hit, so the Cars and Scandal had the last laugh.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

"Trouble In Paradise" by Jarreau

1983 / #63

Rate Your Music score: 3.04 out of 5!

Ever spend decades trying to identify an old song you used to hear?

AM radio in our area in the early 1980s was in an MOR malaise. When a local AM station finally switched to a new format of current rock, my parents refused to add it to the presets on the car radio for months. I listened to this station on the way to and from school in 5th grade, but that was a pretty short distance, and my parents usually controlled the radio the rest of the time.

This means much of the music I heard on the car radio was geared to a grownup fan base. I wouldn't say this music was always bad. Some of it is at least listenable, and most of it reached the pop chart. But this softer music just wasn't what I was usually interested in when I was young.

Music evokes memories. For 40 years, I had the opening of a song stuck in my head that I couldn't identify. I associated it with all of the zillion stations that played music for the oldsters - and, by extension, their angry lectures that were so common then. How I longed for those days! At least that was better than putting up with The Today Show lately.

Just recently, with the help of YouTube, I figured out this unidentified song was a lost hit by Al Jarreau - back when he used only his last name. It turns out that it was popular right when the MOR madness was starting to let up for a few years. It never went away completely, of course, but it was less of a factor through the mid-1980s.

This wasn't the only oldie that took a long time for me to identify. I identified "Romeo's Tune" by Steve Forbert about 10 years after it was popular. I know there was a 1960s-era song that used a melody that's strikingly similar to a longtime opening theme to National Geographic specials, but I can't identify it. A YouTube commenter called the National Geographic theme "the music of intelligence", because those specials were indeed much smarter than the crap that fills the TV airwaves now.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"Take It Away" by Paul McCartney

1982 / #10

Rate Your Music score: 3.78 out of 5!

Time for some 4th grade memories!

When I entered 4th grade, "Take It Away" was one of the songs everyone in my class absolutely loved. The others were "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor and "Don't Fight It" by Kenny Loggins with Steve Perry. Someone even brang a record of Kenny and Steve's hit to class one day. I don't know why, because it's not like the school would let us wear down the motor in their precious record player by listening to it.

"Take It Away" inspired some obvious commentary during serious school projects. One day, there was an assignment we had to read in front of the class. One student stood up to read his assignment, and the teacher said, "Take it away." I knew exactly what would happen next. Another student immediately lapsed into a rousing chorus of the Paul McCartney tune.

The teacher was MAD!!!!!

I got kicked out of her class for good in the middle of the school year. Teachers there had a higher turnover rate than students did though. That was the year the school replaced 75% of its instructors.

People remembered "Take It Away" years after it misappeared from radio. When I was a high school freshman, science class was taught by an aging nun. One day, a student was playing with some toy in class, like a yo-yo or something. The nun angrily warned, "Put it away or I'll take it away."

Guess what happened? Yep! That rousing chorus was again heard!

This is like when my 1st grade teacher sent kids to the "time-out room" and said, "Let's go." That was when the Cars had a hit with that title, so somebody would inevitably erupt in song.

Take it away!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

"Club At The End Of The Street" by Elton John

1990 / #28

Rate Your Music score: 2.87 out of 5!

Even superstars have lost hits.

The year 1989 saw stunning comebacks of acts who enjoyed their peaks of success in the 1970s. We had "One" by the Bee Gees, "This Time I Know It's For Real" by Donna Summer, and "Call It Love" by Poco - all of which are now lost hits. I remember that Power 94½ began playing each of those hits weeks before Q-102 did. That was true of most new records, in fact. Those tracks are in a different category from "Soldier Of Love" by Donny Osmond, because I just assumed Donny was politically connected enough that stations would add him right out of the box. He has espoused some right-wing stances in interviews. True to form, his record charted higher than the others.

Elton John never needed a comeback, because he was always putting out hit after hit. The lost hit we're profiling in this entry helped vault him into the 1990s.

It's about a club at the end of the street.

Most folks I knew didn't have a club at the end of their street. They usually had a trash dump, an ill-placed stop sign, or a creek where people threw bodies, but rarely a club. Not even a Honeycomb Hideout. But Elton took exception to this misrule.

This song is noteworthy because of what happened one weekend at an important family gathering at my grandparents' house. This record kept coming on the radio, and I kept calling it "Club On Sesame Street." A younger cousin thought that was absolutely hilarious.

It was one of the highlights of the decade!

Friday, August 30, 2024

"Body" by the Jacksons

1984 / #47

Rate Your Music score: 2.72 out of 5!

Sometimes, when you get a booger in your nose, it's got to go. Otherwise, it can dry up and really irritate.

That's why sometimes we'd find them wiped on walls and furniture. They even got wiped in textbooks and library books at school. And I'll never forget the time in geometry class when I was a high school sophomore when I saw a humongous boog stuck to the back of a chair.

But let's go back to when I was 11. One of the first big-box stores in the area was Bigg's. If Rink's stinks, Bigg's was big. We went out to Bigg's back when it first opened.

As was normal for retailers back then, Bigg's had a record aisle, and it carried 45 RPM singles. You can see where this story is headed, right? Anyway, we stopped by the record department and looked at its offerings. It was something to see!

A young man was purchasing a 45 of "Easy Lover" by Philip Bailey & Phil Collins to replace his copy that got stolen. I know firsthand that nothing is safe in a home invasion, so it's a believable story. But while I was in the record aisle, my nose started to tickle. Why, it was a boog! And it had to be discarded somewhere.

What record could it be wiped on? It couldn't be "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner, as that was too sophisticated. I also decided to spare "Had A Dream (Sleeping With The Enemy)" by Roger Hodgson, which today is itself a lost hit. Hey! I know! How about "Body" by the Jacksons?


Before anyone asks, the chunk of mucus was wiped on the record itself - not the sleeve.

If the record skipped, you could just blame it on the boogie!

I remember visiting this store again not long after, and some woman who worked there got really mad at me for misbehaving in the store. What did she expect? It's not like I was 40 or something.

"Body" - along with "Material Girl" by Madonna and "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" by Don Henley - was also one of the hits of the era that everyone called "the owl songs." Listen to each of these songs to hear why.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"Some Kind Of Friend" by Barry Manilow

1983 / #26

Rate Your Music score: 2.74 out of 5!

Big or small, short or tall, you will all have a ball, it's the Tom & Jerry show! Wait, actually it isn't. It's Barry Manilow!

I remember being 9 years old and riding around in my parents' dilapidated Plymouth Horizon. Many Saturdays in that era were essentially wasted on a pointless endeavor. It wasn't nearly as grueling as school or church, but there were things I'd rather be doing, like flicking Stay Alive marbles at antique lamps or trying to blow bubbles with glow-in-the-dark Silly Putty. We usually had good choices for lunch though.

On one of those Saturdays, we drove up to the north side of Cincinnati where there was a family restaurant in which the eating area overlooked a huge stage where a man played an organ. It was when we were riding around near there that Barry Manilow's latest hit came blasting through the AM radio in the Horizon.

I immediately noticed something interesting about this new release. It sounded exactly like the theme music for some 1970s Tom & Jerry shorts!

Listen to Barry's hit in the clip above. Fast-forward to about 6 seconds in.

Now peep the Tom & Jerry theme. Jump to about 27 seconds in...

If our society was as litigious in 1983 as it is now, copyright lawyers would have had a field day!

And what about those '70s Tom & Jerry cartoons? I think most fans of the cat-and-mouse duo would rather forget those shorts existed. These were the ones where Jerry wore a red bowtie, and he and Tom were actually friends. My 4th grade classmates didn't seem too interested in those episodes.

Friday, August 23, 2024

"Hanging On A Heart Attack" by Device

1986 / #35

Rate Your Music score: 3.16 out of 5!

"You try to get up and here it comes again..."

Device was a band whose lead singers looked like Billy Idol and Joan Jett.

My memories of this lost hit are strikingly similar to those for John Mellencamp's "Rumbleseat." It was popular right at the same time, and it had a line that was associated with flatulence.

In 1986, as you know, ripping trouser sneezes was quite the production. At some point, a new custom took hold. Any time you were about to crack a loud-and-proud bunker blast, you would warn, "Here it comes." After the air biscuit was released, you'd say, "There it went."

That was also the year of supposed flatulence references in music. In addition to "Rumbleseat", 1986 saw "Why Can't This Be Love" by Van Halen, whose opening lines declare, "Whoa, here it comes...That funny feeling again." Unlike the lost hits profiled on this blog, that song still receives a lot of play.

"Hanging On A Heart Attack" didn't get to chart as high as those other tracks. But it too had an apparent flatus reference: "You try to get up and here it comes again."

Naturally, a nice, loud pooteroony was supposed to be unleashed after that line every time this song was played. The response to this was the same as it was for "Rumbleseat." I remember playing Dungeons & Dragons in the den, and this song would start sizzling out of the boom box. When the very first note was heard, a fist was brandished as a warning to those who might let one fly. Some people have no appreciation for humor.

It wasn't only songs that prompted a backdoor breeze. For years, The Price Is Right opened each episode with the announcer declaring, "Here it comes!" If we were home on a weekday, and if we knew The Price Is Right would be on, a fart would be saved up for the occasion.

"Hanging On A Heart Attack" was also climbing the chart at the time of my mom's company picnic at Coney Island that went hilariously awry, so that's a bonus.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"Man On The Moon" by R.E.M.

1993 / #30

Rate Your Music score: 3.94 out of 5!

You'd think a band as respected as R.E.M. would still see airplay for all their hits, but I don't think I've heard this one on the radio in 30 years. Most of our local stations aren't exactly known for playing quality music like this, but you'd still think it would turn up at some point.

I was on the radio in 1993 during "Man On The Moon" mania. Northern Kentucky University had a small student station called WRFN, and I was a DJ there. WRFN was not an FCC-licensed station but was somehow available in some buildings on campus. They called it a carrier current station. According to Wikipedia, this means the station broadcast with very low power using existing electrical wiring.

The important thing here is that it did somehow broadcast. I was told that you could pick it up on a standard AM radio if you were within a very short distance of the wiring. The airwaves are public, and being available over the air meant the station had a great responsibility to the community. Keep that in mind, because this point is central to this story.

"Man On The Moon" was a tribute to Andy Kaufman and was full of references to the comedian's Elvis Presley impressions. The song was near the top of WRFN's playlist back then, so we played it quite a bit. One day when I was on the air, one of the other DJ's - who was one of the managers of the station - was in the lobby of the studio and started loudly singing his own lyrics to the song. He was easily loud enough to be heard over the air.

"Elvis Presley gettin' a blowjob...Yeah yeah yeah yeah," he sang.

That was aired to much of the campus.

That's called broadcasting in the public interest! Or at least it served the public interest better than TV talk shows sending kids to boot camps.

Friday, August 16, 2024

"Cry" by Godley & Creme

1985 / #16

Rate Your Music score: 3.73 out of 5!

Not all of the entries on this lost hits blog are about the song itself. Some of them are about my memories of events that took place while I heard the song.

For instance, this hit will forever be known as the song that was playing when we coaxed a booger from the inside of our Atari 800.

Imagine sitting at your computer and working on BASIC programs such as a flatulence simulator or a game in which you slay Sesame Street characters. Imagine if a dried hunk of mucus flies in from out of nowhere and falls down between the keys of the keyboard. This really happened when I was 12. A crusty crew got flung across the den, landed between the keys, and fell down inside the computer. Best all, it happened while the computer was in use.

This was not intentional. The goal was for the booger to land on the TV screen instead.

Sometime later, we lugged the computer into the kitchen to pry out the terrible boog.

We removed the base of the computer with a screwdriver. As the base was slowly lifted away, the gob of mucus that had earlier slipped through the keyboard plopped squarely onto the kitchen table. A cheer was heard: "Taa-daa!"

We had a radio on in the kitchen, and guess what song was on?

WCLU was the only radio station I remember that regularly played "Cry." I remember that the record always skipped during the second verse. The song appeared on a few Q-102 surveys found on the ARSA website, but I don't remember hearing it on Q-102 outside of American Top 40.

"Cry" was better known for its video with the faces morphing. Some of the people in the video were said to resemble celebrities such as Mr. T and Ed McMahon. Most of them looked like nobody in particular, so everyone just said they looked like "a member of the Ronald Reagan Club" or something like that.

If the booger had destroyed our computer, it would have made me want to cry!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"There's The Girl" by Heart

1987 / #12

Rate Your Music score: 3.5 out of 5!

"Broken glass, complete disaster..."

This song did well enough on the chart that you might not think of it as lost, and it took a while for it to vanish completely from Power 94½. At least Power 94½ played this high-energy rocker instead of some of the music that other stations kept playing. But I haven't heard it in a station's regular rotation in decades now.

In late 1987, you may have been dancing around your living room, chewing bubble gum, passing gas, and dreaming of becoming an elite computer hacker. That's what cool people did back then. And this was when this exciting new Heart single grew on everyone even as everything came crashing down - literally.

I was a freshman at a Catholic high school then. My school made a struggle of 3 whole years. It was intentional and malicious. By late 1987, I was sort of shutting down. The school knew, and didn't do their job. It was already clear that I needed to find a better school. I complained bitterly but was told to be quiet. The school let me languish there for a couple more years because I was of no use to the school elsewhere.

Just before Christmas, the school had a huge Christmas tree in the hallway. It was adorned with gobs of glass ornaments. One afternoon right after lunch, we were filing into religion class. Then we heard a horrendous crash coming from the hall.

You guessed it! It was the Christmas tree!

And this was no accident. There was a fight in the hall, and somebody deliberately pulled the tree down onto a schoolmate.

The toppled tree blocked the hall right in front of the principal's office. There were shattered ornaments all over the floor.

Heart's latest hit had a line describing the school perfectly: "Broken glass, complete disaster." After the tree was knocked over, that line reminded me of that incident every time I heard it. It reminded me of everything about that school.

And trust me, the school was a disaster. Thank heavens I got out before junior year.

Also, pay attention to the above video at 1:35. Notice the gesture Nancy Wilson is making. I almost expect to hear someone yell, "Boist!"

Aah, memories!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

"Only When You Leave" by Spandau Ballet

1984 / #34

Rate Your Music score: 3.55 out of 5!

Where do we start with these guys?

This is the most recent Hot 100 hit by this band from London. The Spandaus always seemed like a fair target for ridicule. They were best known for their big ballad "True." Lead singer Tony Hadley was seen on TV shows wearing a weird suit that looked like it had a giant necklace embedded in it.

They charted in their homeland for decades after their last American chart appearance. Here in the good ol' U.S. and A., people hardly ever talked about Spandau Ballet after 1984. Any mention of them after that had to be a relic.

By the time I was a high school sophomore, it had been years since the Spandaus were the big thing. That was the era of Poison and Bobby McFerrin. So I was surprised to find some Spandau-inspired criminal mischief in my literature textbook. This book included a play that had the memorable line, "Damnable cough!" I don't remember anything else about this script, and I never understood it anyway. But it was accompanied by a memorable photo. It was a black-and-white picture of a man in a suit with his mouth open in frustration.

Somebody had written next to the photo, "Tony Hadley." And let me tell you, he looked just like the Spandau Ballet frontman!

This shows that the book had to have been at least 5 years old. This was fine, as long as the information in it was still relevant - and if the school didn't blame me for the condition it was in. It had to have gone through at least 5 cycles of rough treatment. And it showed. The school kept making me pay for books damaged by others - and then not replacing them. That way, the school could use the book again the next year and make the next student pay for it too. You had to have been there. My school did shit like that.

The Tony Hadley comment wasn't the only damage like that in that book. The book also included a short story about an unruly youngster who carried away his dad's electric razor and shaved his own head completely bald. I've now figured out the story was titled "The Beginning Of Grief." The book included a drawing of the boy with a shaven head. Someone had written "chrome dome" right on his noggin!

I don't think it mattered in the end, because after I was forced to pay for this book that others had torn up, I'm pretty sure it became firewood for my Fourth of July bonfire.

In recent years, Tony has emerged as a bit of a right-wing curmudgeon. He has attended the Conservative Party's annual conference and has threatened to run for Parliament as he has spouted a number of reactionary grievances.

This might not be the last entry devoted to Spandau Ballet on this blog.

Monday, August 5, 2024

"Nobody's Perfect" by Mike & the Mechanics

1988 / #63

Rate Your Music score: 3.16 out of 5!

We got a chuckle out of this one, but things weren't so funny for very long.

You may know that Mike & the Mechanics were a project led by Genesis's Mike Rutherford. But this song didn't get quite the airplay that many Genesis efforts did. I did hear it on the radio a little bit though. The first time I heard it, I burst out laughing at the very notion that the clanking production of this record was expected to see major pop success.

This sound might make a fine music bed for a 30-second TV commercial for a financial firm. But it makes a downright weird hit single. I actually remember a commercial that used to air during 60 Minutes that used music like this, except it was less sparse and more electronic.

The existence of "Nobody's Perfect" wasn't something that kept me awake at night. It was nothing like the truly insufferable music in the ensuing months that shot straight to #1 on the chart. If it charted today, it would be a highlight.

I never saw the video for this song until I found it on YouTube recently. The video is exactly what you might expect. It's full of fast-paced shots of graphs and computer screens containing financial data, and people in business suits frantically milling about an office.

People have posted online comments saying they were 3 or 4 when this song came out and it's one of the first songs they remember hearing on the radio. They never heard it for years after, but they remember it because it sounded so strange.

It just goes to show that even lost hits are not always forgotten.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

"It's Sad To Belong" by England Dan & John Ford Coley

1977 / #21

Rate Your Music score: 2.73 out of 5!

"So I'm gonna take the Big Bird for the rest of my days..."

Are you ready for some misheard lyrics?

So far, this blog has featured metal, rap, a couple good ol' heartland rockers, and more! But now we have to pay the piper by featuring a tame ballad instead of the high-energy lost hits we usually use. In the immortal words of Steve Hawkins of Q-102: I don't cool off very often but when I do it's dynamite stuff!

One day when I was very young, we were in some store like a Frank's Nursery & Crafts or a Ben Franklin. Their music system didn't seem to play Quiet Riot or the Geto Boys. Instead, it fed us a steady stream of light and easy "favorites."

One song in particular caught my ear. I noticed an interesting line in the bridge of the song. The singer crooned, "So I'm gonna take the Big Bird for the rest of my days."

This conjured a hilarious image. I envisioned a guy with big sideburns and a mustache - like a lot of soft rock acts who played on TV back then - being carried through the sky on Big Bird's back. This was even though Big Bird could not fly. Even if Big Bird could fly, why would he want to fly people around all day? How can the singer plan in advance to "take the Big Bird for the rest of my days" when there was always a possibility Big Bird could go on strike?

I wondered for years what song it was that I had heard that day, but eventually I figured out it was a top 40 hit for this Dallas duo that I actually used to hear quite a bit. And I had misheard the words to the song. The real lyrics are, "So I'll live my life in a dream world for the rest of my days."

This won't be the last time this blog strays from the action-packed rockers that are so common here. I'm warning you in advance!

Monday, July 29, 2024

"Mind Playing Tricks On Me" by the Geto Boys

1991 / #23

Rate Your Music score: 4.26 out of 5!

These Houston rappers gave us this lost hit that apparently ranks #3 of all of 1991 on Rate Your Music - but never gets any radio play these days.

In fact, it didn't get much in 1991.

This song was in the countdown when American Top 40 - then hosted by Shadoe Stevens - infamously ditched the Hot 100, the most authoritative chart in the beeswax. Outrageously, AT40 chopped the song down to about 45 seconds. This was when the once-great AT40 butchered everything to appease affiliate stations that couldn't handle rap. But, while the show shortened rap hits, it looped a verse in an Amy Grant record over and over.

At the time, I tried to buy a record or cassette of "Mind Playing Tricks On Me." But record stores around here didn't stock it. The same was true in Springfield, Illinois. I went on a trip there, and I tried to find this song at stores there, and they didn't have it either. I called every record store in the yellow pages there. One of them seemed particularly angry that I asked. After we hung up, I realized that it was a religious record store.

I was a high school senior at the time, and this song yields another funny story: One day, a student in my class wrote all the lyrics to "Mind Playing Tricks On Me" on a desk!

I eventually was able to buy the cassette. But it wasn't until I recently found the video on YouTube that I knew my cassette actually has the less explicit version.

And that's not just my mind playing tricks on me!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

"Fool In Love With You" by Jim Photoglo

1981 / #25

Rate Your Music score: 2.78 out of 5!

I invented MTV!

Seriously, I came up with the idea of a TV station to air music videos. Too bad MTV had already invented MTV and I just didn't know about it yet.

MTV didn't come to town until 1983 (!), so the only place I saw videos was Casey Kasem's TV show. But if I did start a music video channel, I might have had to invest in clips like "Fool In Love With You" by Jim Photoglo.

I heard the song some on the radio back then, but I never saw the video until decades later when YouTube came along. And, man, did I get some laughs out of that!

The copies that appeared on YouTube were very low-res, so the guffaws didn't begin until the close-up scenes of Jim singing to the camera.

Even by the standards of 1981 - when guys such as Tom Selleck and Burt Reynolds mustached the world right good - that mustache looked absolutely uproarious!

Around the time I found this on YouTube, I used to read several blogs about Kentucky politics. There was a mustachioed right-wing Kentucky politician back then named Stan Lee (not to be confused with the comic book writer of the same name). One of these blogs had a contest to provide a caption for a photo of Lee. One of the entries was, "Jim Photoglo called. He wants his mustache back."

Also, since 2016, Jim has been touring with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - an act that George H.W. Bush once called "the Nitty Ditty Nitty Gritty Great Bird."

I bet you're just a fool in love with this blog!

Monday, July 22, 2024

"Jesus He Knows Me" by Genesis

1992 / #23

Rate Your Music score: 3.2 out of 5!

I never thought Genesis or Phil Collins would ever have a lost hit. In the late 1980s, Phil was considered a saint by radio stations. Pop stations played a Phil or Genesis record every single hour. This is no exaggeration. If they played an oldie, they went back further in time for ol' Phil than they did for almost any other act.

But one of the best records Genesis ever recorded disappeared from the airwaves as quickly as it appeared.

"Jesus He Knows Me" was a commentary about the phony televangelists who proliferated at the time. I'm mentioning it here because of the video. In the video, Phil portrays a preacher who uses donations to furnish his life of luxury. I saw the video one day, and something hilarious was immediately noted. Phil was wearing a wig that made him look just like my assistant principal from middle school. In addition to his diminutive stature, the wig gave him that same antiquated hairstyle.

I think that only caught my eye because my assistant principal was positively one of the worst human beings I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. When I got expelled in 7th grade, I wrote a simple Atari BASIC program that made fun of him. A few years later, I uploaded it to some local computer bulletin board systems.

Later still, a schoolmate told me about how the hapless assistant headmaster yelled at him for skateboarding in the school parking lot when he was no longer a student there. My schoolmate cussed him out in response.

Pick a brick!

Friday, July 19, 2024

"Girls" by Dwight Twilley

1984 / #16

Rate Your Music score: 3.24 out of 5!

I could never understand people who railed against MTV but tolerated radio stations that played much of the same music.

In 1984, that seemed to include most adults. It seemed like most of the rest were adults in my school district who shunned radio too. Any school employee who allowed MTV was downright anarchist by the school district's standards.

Something funny happened once in 5th grade. (Really? No way!) Our class was working in the school library, when the librarian turned on MTV for us to watch. Gasp! How subversive! My main teacher never permitted anything even close to that. She didn't even allow kids to dance to an Andy Gibb record or bring in those Song Hits magazines that were full of song lyrics. The librarian seemed radical compared to her.

We all enjoyed having MTV on while we studied. These days, when grownups say something is good or bad, kids snap into line, and they don't dare fight back. It's disgusting. But in my day, kids who liked MTV liked it even more when adults said it was bad.

But one video was too much even for the beloved librarian: "Girls" by Dwight Twilley.

Come on! The video wasn't that bad! If it was that "dirty", MTV never would have shown it right in the middle of the day. I don't think MTV has ever broadcast porn.

We were all laughing at the video as the librarian approached the TV. When she shut the TV off, everyone groaned.

One evening not long after that was our class play. The only thing I remember about the play itself was that students who acted in it wore giant paper cutouts of pennies. The librarian also spoke to the audience, and some of us said something about the Dwight Twilley incident at the end of her speech. This was the same play where we had refreshments afterwards and a student grabbed armloads of cookies and dropped them everywhere. The next day, our teacher famously lectured him about it: "You were greedy, you were wasteful, you were obnoxious."

MTV was a lightning rod for controversy for no apparent reason back then. It was the most popular cable TV channel in America, yet motel cable systems never carried it. They finally started carrying it when it became less popular. Today, there's a zillion cable channels, but I don't know of any for music videos. There's a business opportunity right there.

At least the school library subscribed to Song Hits.

Monday, July 15, 2024

"Mama Weer All Crazee Now" by Quiet Riot

1984 / #51

Rate Your Music score: 2.78 out of 5!

Even back in 1984, mass media had incredible influence. We're just damn lucky its influence was more positive than it is today.

Around the time of this lost hit, there were lots of songs that I thought were strangely funny or picturesque for reasons that were not intended by their performer. For the life of me, I can no longer remember what these reasons were. Examples include "Tenderness" by General Public and "Modern Day Delilah" by Van Stephenson - which are lost hits themselves. In fact, this belief seemed to extend to almost all rock and pop of the time, and I absorbed music as readily as Gavin Newsom absorbs Dippity-Do.

It culminated in hilarity one day in 6th grade. We were eating lunch in the school cafeteria. Near the end of lunch period, I suddenly decided to pound out a beat on the table. Within seconds, the entire 6th grade class had joined in! The trays and plates were shaking!

The principal was MAD!!!!!

Needless to say, it was one of the funniest things that took place all year.

It just so happened that the beat that I pounded out sounded exactly like the beginning of "Mama Weer All Crazee Now." I don't think this was intentional. I think I had subconsciously copied this beat after hearing the song frequently back then.

I'm surprised the principal didn't break out his trusty "board of education."

This record was actually a remake. Slade charted with it in 1972, but I don't remember Slade's version. Yet, whatever the weather, the song went down in history for inspiring one of the greatest incidents of my youth.

Friday, July 12, 2024

"Rumbleseat" by John Cougar Mellencamp

1986 / #28

Rate Your Music score: 3.21 out of 5!

For the first lost hit profiled on this blog, let's do some rumblin' - down in the seat area!

You might say this great song by the legendary rocker from Seymour, Indiana, is our signature lost hit. It has to be featured here on principle. With a title like "Rumbleseat", you can see exactly where this story is headed.

At the time, everyone thought the name of the song had something to do with flatulence. As we slogged through our chores that summer, it became inevitable that at least once each day, "Rumbleseat" would start crackling across the airwaves. So it became a matter of policy for people to have a good, loud clap of flatus saved up for when it aired.

Remember, this was 1986. I recall the entire year being one big, long, nasty fart. It was as hilarious as you might imagine. This was the same summer as a family vacation to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., that was defined by the ceaseless flatulence. We were in one of the Smithsonian museums when my mom declared, "It smells like somebody has a load in their pants!" Maybe someone did, but I don't know.

But as we did our home chores, some people didn't appreciate the custom of loudly passing gas whenever "Rumbleseat" came on. Some folks have no sense of humor. You could be rolling on the floor in uncontrollable laughter at this ritual, while some spoilsport could be scowling and shaking their fist at it. I could never figure out why some people were such killjoys.

Not long after that, in one of my 8th grade classes, I received an assignment in which the word rumbleseat was actually used. It was in a list of words that nobody used anymore, along with snood and milliner. Our assignment was to ask elderly relatives the meaning of each word. Today's middle schoolers probably find rumbleseat on their assignments and have to ask my generation what it means. Everyone knows exactly how to reply.


Welcome to our lost hits blog! It's just a few smiles from home! But watch out! If our users aren't big, you might slip, trip, and fall!

This blog profiles lost hits - songs that reached the pop chart that you never hear anymore. I plan to focus on records that made Billboard's legendary Hot 100 chart between the late 1970s and today but seem to no longer receive any play on radio, on the music system at Kroger, or elsewhere.

I'm not sure why they're lost while you still hear other hits from the same era 10 times an hour. Some lost hits deserve to be lost, but others should be held up as the greatest masterpieces ever recorded. I've noticed the lost hits phenomenon for as long as I've been old enough to reach the radio. Believe it or not, I actually have records, cassettes, CD's, or MP3's of many lost hits. This interest reached its stride in the early 1990s when I visited record stores and buyed whole stacks of used 45's. This blog is also a monument to the days when the future of 7-inch singles seemed forever assured.

Where did I originally hear so many songs that are now lost? I usually first heard them on the radio. The top 40 stations in Cincinnati that I remember the most are WKRQ (Q-102) and WCLU. I lived far south enough that I could also pick up Lexington's WLAP-FM (Power 94½). There were also venues like American Top 40 and MTV.

Those were by far our main music outlets, but not the only. For a time in my youth, I also listened to album rock radio, but I largely abandoned the format because it kept playing old dinosaurs instead of new, exciting rockers. Because of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, radio has only become worse and worse since then, as so-called classic hits stations repeat the same oldies over and over but never air lost hits - many of which still seem new because they're played so rarely.

Some of the lost hits profiled here may get a little bit of play on specialty channels on satellite radio or old American Top 40 rebroadcasts, but few if any FM or AM stations today have them in rotation.

Also, I was a broadcaster, not a musician, so this blog generally does not focus on the musicianship of these songs. Instead, I talk about them as a radio DJ would. There's gonna be lots of funny stories. Imagine that!

So let the fun begin!